STOP! TAKE A DEEP BREATH! Seize a moment to reflect on what you are thankful for! Professionally, Transcription Plus, LLC is thankful for: OUR CLIENTS and the wonderful people that represent them...The deep-rooted customers who have been faithful to us for 21+ years, as well as our ever-expanding constellation who benefit from our cornucopia of the Absolutely Accurate documentation we offer. OUR PATRONS who understand the intricacies of keeping a small business functioning at peak proficiency and facilitate our efforts by promptly submitting compensation. OUR DEDICATED STAFF without whose aptitude and professional work ethic this company and our clients would be lost. REFERENCES from our professional advocates; always the highest compliment one can receive. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS which have allowed us to expand nationally. GOOGLE for providing world-wide knowledge access...PRICELESS!
Personally, I am thankful for: FAMILY AND NUMEROUS FRIENDS that I have been blessed with; including my precious daughter, who is the pride and joy of my life; my amazing husband, whose sense of humor and linguini with white clam sauce enhance my life significantly; my loving family and steadfast friends, who I would be adrift without. A ROOF over my head, FOOD on my table and a JOB - when so many millions are without these basics THE GYM bringing to light my health and ability to work hard and push through the hurt. DANCING And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance ...I hope you dance. RAIN on the roof; making me feel warm and secure. RUNNING WATERS of lakes, rivers and oceans; all of which bring peace over my consciousness. ANIMALS, WILDLIFE AND NATURE the greatest gift to the universe. BEING AN AMERICAN. PUBLIC SERVICE WORKERS and our MILITARY risking their lives daily. GOOGLE & GPS! For making my life so much less complicated. |
For your partnership in our foremost effort to make this world a little more ABSOLUTELY ACCURATE, we are sincerely THANKFUL! Mary Goehring & all the Staff at Transcription Plus, LLC! |
About Us
Over the years, we have built a solid reputation for producing a reasonably priced, highly accurate and timely end product. We offer a personal interface with our clients, something that is not universally available in this service industry. This is evidenced by our impressive annual growth rate, which is coupled with outstanding client and staff loyalty and retention. To learn more about us, visit our website here. Please contact me directly at 860-583-2818 or transcriptionplus@comcast.net. Mary A. Goehring
Owner/CEO Transcription Plus, LLC 40 Acorn Lane Bristol, Connecticut 06010 Transcription Plus, LLC 860-583-2818 |