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Absolutely Accurate News

 March 2011


Keep your pot of gold by being penny wise, pound foolish 



A report issued by US Pharmacopeia revealed that transcription errors are the 5th most common cause (15%) of medication improprieties; with people over 65 being twice as likely to be harmed. A study by HealthGrades, Inc. places reported preventable deaths due to healthcare personnel mistakes at 195,000 per year; doubling previous figures from a Institute of Medicine study.

Medical errors account for more deaths in America than breast cancer, AIDS or car accidents annually. Errors may be as complicated as incorrect treatment planning algorithms or as simple as transcription inaccuracies.
The FDA implies that it may be dangerous to import drugs from Canada, while, conversely, the healthcare industry endorses processing of radiology tests and medical records in India. This substandard wage outsourcing may yield up-front financial gain for medical institutions but certainly is very controversial with regards to patient care issues, while demonstrating complete indifference to national allegiance. Do the benefits outweigh the problems? What benefits do patients receive?

Could the old adage "penny wise, pound foolish", while simplistic in such a complex setting as the healthcare industry, hold true? The unfortunate truth is that bottom line concerns affect quality patient care. However, more factual is that ERRORS COST MONEY. Non-conscientious decision-making results in injury and death. Within reason, end-users need to recognize that cost is secondary to acceptable quality.

The outsourcing market was estimated to be USD 8.4 billion in 2010. Nearly $250,000,000 of the total outsourced work is off-shored to destinations such as India, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and China. Out of the work off-shored, 78% is supplied by India, equaling $647,000,000 USD. Sweat-shop wages fall far below industry standards, as does the quality - being poor to mediocre. Outsourcing of transcription to overseas concerns renders an inferior stopgap. The value does not equate to the worth of the end result.


So what viable transcription options are available? …and which avenue provides the best check and balance system?

An independent study by Superior Consultant Company, Inc. indicated that “a vendor solution is less costly in most cases because of additional costs and unseen variables in-house”. Transcription technology companies often will offer ‘the definitive solution’, charging tens-of-thousands of dollars for sophisticated systems, which can ultimately be cumbersome for office staff to use and not interactive with, sometimes, even simple software applications or documentation requirements.

Large, USA-based transcription companies have impressive marketing budgets and large staff bases, enabling rapid turn times with generally adequate quality. Transcriptionist compensation is based on line production quantity not quality. Do doctors/health care facilities receive a fair price? Per hour compensation reimburses only for the actual processing, allowing latitude to do the job right the first time, while still utilizing productivity aids.

Single contracted transcriptionists can offer somewhat lower prices, due to absence of overhead. Many are good; some lack of credibility. Accessory coverage issues are periodically problematic.

Yearly transcription costs for a moderately busy, solo doctor can be upwards of $20,000. Speech recognition technology has been toyed with to defray this. Some doctors have been successful; many have thrown it away. Regardless of how good the accuracy of speech recognition is (typically 95-98%, after numerous training hours), documents must still be proofread/edited. (99% accuracy, in a 1000 word report, parallels 9.9 errors!) While technology can assist in speed, there is no substitute for human common sense; something machines simply do not possess. ‘Doctor’-time consumed by performing ‘clerical’ tasks, logically, could be spent on patient care; thereby substantially increasing revenue and greatly out-weighing transcription costs. Speech recognition, however, when used in the correct combination of doctor dictating/computer typing/transcriptionist editing, can and is a great time/ cost saver.

Quality-minded, small transcription companies often can provide the most effective answer. A reputable company can provide the sought-after benefits a health care facility requires: Articulate, expeditious processing, coupled with personal service, problem-solving and trust; dedicated to individual client requirements. Features include USA-based processing, processing of tapes and/or the more cost/time efficient digital voice files, utilizing simple/secure electronic data transfer, available nationally, and speech recognition when applicable. Credible companies offer proficient and accomplished staff; permanent/temporary ‘on call’ support, 24/7/365, with transcriptionists assigned to provide consistency and auxiliary coverage. There is no start-up cost, no training and no overhead.

Transcription Plus, LLC has the highest standards of quality and accuracy, along with a proven track record of excellence and dependability for 21+ years; distinguishing our company from other transcription companies.   


Transcription Plus, LLC requires that each dictation is re-listened to while proofreading - listening to each and every word eliminates careless errors.


Transcription Plus, LLC is proud of our 100% USA Based Offices and Staff. 


PATIENTS:  Legislation has been introduced to keep private medical information in the United States.  Contact your legislators to voice your opinion that it is not safe to send this information overseas, as well as the affect it has on depreciating the U.S. economy.  Communicate to your doctor(s) your preference of keeping your medical records in the USA.  Solicit adoption of a zero-tolerance policy for inaccurate documentation.  Insist that your safety be put before the bottom line.

HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS:  Please weigh your transcription options and results carefully...for the benefit of all concerned.  Don't present yourself as stated in the following actual patient record: "Patient was alert and unresponsive."

Transcription Plus, LLC has the highest standards of quality and accuracy, along with a proven track record of excellence and dependability for 21+ years; distinguishing our company from other transcription companies.

Transcription Plus, LLC requires that each dictation is re-listened to while proofreading - listening to each and every word eliminates careless errors.

Transcription Plus, LLC is proud of our 100% USA Based Offices and Staff.

You can contact me directly at 860-583-2818 or and we'll discuss how you can keep your pot of gold by using absolutely accurate transcription services provided by Transcription Plus, LLC.

Have a Happy and Safe St. Patrick's Day

Thank you,

Mary A. Goehring

Transcription Plus, LLC
Corporate Office
40 Acorn Lane
Bristol, Connecticut 06010
Transcription Plus, LLC

About Us
Every member of our team possesses the following qualities and characteristics: Skilled at medical, legal, business, government transcription, highest degree of accuracy with attention to detail, self-motivated and self-starting, able to organize time, able to focus on work, dependable and reliable, with a strong commitment to confidentiality issues.


View our website here to learn more about our extraordinary staff.

Please contact me directly at 860-583-2818 or

Mary A. Goehring


Transcription Plus, LLC
Corporate Office
40 Acorn Lane
Bristol, Connecticut 06010
Transcription Plus, LLC
In this Issue

Staff Spotlight
Amy McKearney

Amy McKearney

Marketing Coordinator


Amy McKearney has been with Transcription Plus, LLC since January of 2007.   Amy wears more than one hat for Transcription Plus, LLC. 


Amy specializes in handling company-wide marketing and government contracts for transcription services. Amy utilizes state-of-the-art technology, such as web page registration-driven email marketing. Amy manages our social media team too.  Amy's newsletters are intended to keep you informed. 



Click to read interview from Amy


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