Small Businesses on the Rise

you know that last year data projections from
Guardian Life Small Business Research
Institute detail that future job growth
will be created primarily by
small businesses? By 2018 women
entrepreneurs will be responsible for creating
between 5 million and 5.5 million new jobs
nationwide. That is more than half the new
jobs the Bureau of Labor Statistics expects small
businesses to create!
Founder and Owner of my own small business, I am
very proud of the growth and success this company
has enjoyed over the past 22+ years. My
business priorities turned a very sharp corner
after the birth of my daughter, which led me down
the path of creating my own business. With
the recent arrival of my granddaughter, I felt the
timing was appropriate to write an article about
Women Small Business Owners and what characterizes
Success-Oriented Small Business Owners in general.
a survey of American small-business owners, women
are most likely to start businesses because they
are unhappy with corporate life.
Corporations have come a long way in developing
flex-hours and work-at-home programs to keep smart
women with child care priorities in their
midst. The qualities that women bring to the
table are still often taken for granted or
overlooked. Guardian's research shows that
when women become their own bosses, they are more
likely than male managers to:
Engage in strategic facets of their business
Be proactively customer focused
Incorporate community and environment into their
business plans
Be receptive to input and guidance from others
Commit to creating opportunities for others
matter the gender, "success-oriented small
business owners are a special breed of highly
motivated, caring and curious individuals" says
Mark D. Wolf, Director of The Guardian
Life Small Business Research
Institute. Do you have the
characteristics necessary to balance your personal
and business goals? Can you take advantage
of others expertise and seek and learn the best
practices exhibited by your peers?
year there are many people who start a new company
and want to build a long lasting business.
Take a look at these six dimensions identified by
Guardian Life and see if you have what it
takes to be successful with your business.
Collaborative: Delegate
effectively to others within your business as well
as build strong personal relationships with
employees, vendors and customers. Commit yourself
to creating opportunities for others.
Self-fulfilled: Place high
value on the personal fulfillment and
gratification your company provides and the
self-determination and respect that comes from
being your own boss.
Future focused: Plan for
both the short and long term future. Focus
on cash flow and a well thought out plan to run
the day to day business as well as years into the
Curious: Learn how others
run their business. Actively seek best
practice insights regarding management, business
innovation, prospecting and
finding/motivating/retaining employees.
Tech Savvy: Technology is a
key point of leverage. Rely on Technology,
your Company's website and social media presence
to make your business more effective and
Action Oriented: Be
proactive in taking initiative to build your
business. Commit to taking your business to
the next level. Adversity is an opportunity
to move your business forward.
final thoughts as a small business owner and as a
woman are these; Entrepreneurs are the backbone of
our economy these days and the overall absence of
a glass ceiling makes entrepreneurship more
appealing to women than climbing the corporate
matter your gender, if you focus on the qualities
and characteristics detailed in this article, you
will make some important changes in the work
environment that you have created with your own
A. Goehring Owner/CEO Transcription Plus,
LLC Corporate Office 40 Acorn
Lane Bristol, Connecticut
06010 Transcription Plus, LLC
860-583-2818 |