Absolutely Accurate News | March 2014 |
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Do you read the nutrition labels while shopping? Research has proven that you might just be healthier for it. And you are not alone. A USDA study released in February 2014 found that 42% of adults between ages 29 and 68 did, and 57% of Americans older than 70 did.
In a time that more than a third of Americans are obese, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is implementing several changes to the nutrition labels you see on packaged foods and beverages. It is currently in the 90-day comment period, a time when experts and the public can have input on the proposed changes. The final rule should be complete this year. Some of the proposed changes are as follows: - A change in serving size to accurately represent what is eaten. An estimated 17% of food on the market will have to change its serving size.
- The amount of fat from calories would be removed from the label, but the breakdown of saturated and trans fat would remain.
- There will be a bigger emphasis on calories.
- The daily limit of sodium would lower from 2,400 to 2,300
- The label will show the amount of added sugars vs. naturally occurring sugars. It is recommended that men eat no more than 150 calories from added sugars per day; for women the number is 100 calories.
- Beneficial vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, potassium, calcium, iron will have prominence on the label.
But don't expect to see theses change right away; manufacturing companies have 2 years to implement the changes. Transcription Plus, LLC not only cares about the bottom line of your business, but of your health as well. To see how we can help your business become even healthier, click here for our website. Best, Mary Goehring Owner/CEO | | Client Testimony
| "It is with pleasure that I recommend Transcription Plus to my fellow physician providers. Documents are consistently produced in a timely fashion, with grammar and presentation being of excellent construction. I truly appreciate the flexibility, accessibility and promptness that Transcription Plus provides, as part of our off-site office team."
Patrick S. Corlee, M.D., F.A.C.C. Cardiovascular Medicine | Welcome New Clients | We welcome the following clients to Transcription Plus, LLC: They are: Rev. Jeff G. Lori T. Welcome to the Transcription Plus, LLC Community! | Quick Links |
| | | CLIENT/PATIENT APPOINTMENT REMINDERS Maximize your schedule with appointment reminders! Contacting all of your patients to remind them of an upcoming appointment (or the need to make one) is as quick and easy as either faxing or emailing your Patient Day Sheet (generated electronically by your E.M.R. system or printed from your computer.) There are no log-ins; no user IDs; no passwords to remember! THAT SIMPLE! Benefits of Client/Patient Reminders:
- Reduce client/patient no-show rate by as much as 1/3 and increase timely cancellations.
- Send customized messages based on appointment type.
- Increase revenue.
- Keep on schedule with improved arrival time.
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- Better managed patient health.
- Elimination of expensive paper-based mailing campaigns.
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- Email, voice and text notifications available.
- Daily call result report, sent directly to your office.
Depending on the size of your client base, the minimal effort of simply forwarding your Patient Day Sheet and extremely small weekly cost could decrease patient no-shows by 30%; equating to a possible 30% increase in revenue when those empty slots are filled with viable appointments.....all without interrupting your busy staff's priority tasks. There are NO set-up fees.
|  TELEPHONE CALL RECORDING SERVICESimplify your life's conversations with documentation! Crisp and clear, high volume audio recording of any telephone conversation can be yours with no additional equipment required. There are many applications for this service. Physicians, Attorneys, Law Enforcement and Business Professionals have conversations with patients, opposing Attorneys, clients or initiate conference calls. All information discussed can be recorded and documented so there is no question as to the accuracy of what was discussed. This service is even beneficial for an individual's personal use. We live in a very litigious society. Whether you have a verbal agreement with a contractor or with family and friends, there is no need to be deceived or swindled or have any controversy regarding those agreements. Never rely on memory regarding exactly what was discussed in a telephone conversation again.
You are able to record a conference with multiple parties too!
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Our Referral Benefits Program offers a 10% discount (for a consecutive 4-week billing cycle) to anyone who successfully refers a client to us. This is our way of saying THANK YOU for your support and patronage.
Our goal here at Transcription Plus, LLC is to provide you with a service that exceeds your expectations. | |
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