recent study shows that the average person
spends 16.6% of his or her working hours
on paperwork. This is time that
could otherwise be spent on more important
tasks. The study also found that
the more time spent on paperwork, the
unhappier they are with their career.
It is estimated that the yearly cost of
administrative undertakings is over $100
billion in the United States.
Research studies show that when you consider work stresses - including harrowing tales of towering caseloads, insensitive supervision, unruly clients, unreasonable hours, and unsatisfying outcomes -- the surprising factor that keeps showing up as the top reason for career burnout, believe it or not, was
That's right, paperwork! Do you feel that you just can't seem to keep up? Do you put in 60 hours a week and still find yourself working at home into the wee hours filling out forms, organizing files, writing reports, and struggling with your computer and the never-ending loose ends? Do you never stop thinking about the paperwork and wondering what you have forgotten that might be critical to a client? Do you sometimes feel guilty about almost everything and feel that you might almost certainly fail someone or be found to be incompetent? If you've answered yes to one or more of these questions, YOU HAVE PAPERWORK BURNOUT!
In other words, the remarkable fact uncovered here is that
administrative work can often be a greater cause of burnout than performing the
actual function of your job. Don't let your anxiety go too far!. Too many talented people have succumbed to PAPERWORK BURNOUT.
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Mary A. Goehring